
Sentences using adjectives of appearance

  She has long hair. He has short hair. He has curly hair. He is bald.

How do you describe appearance examples?

  In this part I have put together a list of adjectives to describe a person. You will find a list of words to describe a person and their phisycal appearance. bald beautiful blonde black brown cute fat slim ugly young old small big short tall In the following video you can see more about it

Adjectives Appearance Chart


Adjective Definition

  What are Adjectives? An adjective is a word that tell us more about a noun. It describes or modifies a noun. They help make sentences more meaningful, they help us to express the different qualities of an object or person, and without them, our speech would be bland and boring. In fact adjectives are so important that children start using them from early in their language development for example : I am sad or I am happy and continue to expand on their understanding of them for years to come. What are Adjectives Appearance? Appearance is defined as the way someone or something looks. These adjectives describe the way a person, place or thing looks; they answer the question, what kind of.